So, another batch of Stout Sprinter in the fermenter, OG rolled in around 1.098 this time. Also, the Omnium amber ale rolled in right at 1.055.
I took my time brewing today, with 3 gallon batches, I can pretty much run the mash off from the first one, clean out the tun and start in on the next one while the first is still boiling. If I had done that, I would have saved maybe 2 hours today, but I would have been working my butt off, trying to keep everything on time.
The Rye Pilsner from last week is in a diacetyl rest right now, having just been transferred to secondary. The gravity on that one is reading right on 1.010; I would like to think it would finish out a little more, but I guess with an attenuation rate of 70-74%, that's not bad. Only a little hint of diacetyl, but I've had that before with WYeast 2278, that's what the rest is for. Its got a bit of haze to it right now, I think it will finish out just fine, but since most of my lagers have been bocks, as opposed to piss-clear pilsners, maybe I just haven't seen it before.
Adjusting my recipes to the new brewhouse efficiency has been nice. The amber ale was exactly on target, and I mean exactly, not one or two points off. The Impy stout was a little low, but there is that gravity ceiling for all grain beers, and I'm right at it (some of the gravity points were from Belgian candi sugar, I know, that's kind of cheating)
I didn't get around to kegging my a batch that I have ready, I should really do that. I may get some new gaskets and give the kegs a facelift first.
I will finish this post, as I finish off a bottle of a well-brewed ESB of mine.
"You foam within our glasses, you lusty golden brew,
Whoever imbibes takes fire from you.
The young and the old sing your praises,
Here's to beer,
Here's to cheer,
Here's to beer!"
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